Rosicrucian Manifesto
Lodge of Perfection – Est. 1764 – New
Orleans Lux Americana
Rosicrucian Manifesto Insights:
- Human potential - The belief that each person has unlimited potential for growth,
development, and evolution.
- Spirituality - A focus on spiritual growth and development as the path to greater
understanding and fulfillment.
- Knowledge - The pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, especially in the areas of science,
philosophy, and spirituality.
- Ancient wisdom - The study and application of ancient wisdom and mystical traditions, such
as alchemy, hermeticism, and the Kabbalah.
- Personal growth - The belief that personal growth and development is the key to spiritual
advancement and fulfillment.
- Meditation - The use of meditation and visualization as tools for personal growth and
spiritual development.
- Consciousness - The belief that consciousness is the underlying reality of the universe and
that spiritual evolution involves the expansion and refinement of one's consciousness.
- Universal laws - The understanding of universal laws and principles, such as the law of
cause and effect and the law of correspondence, and their role in shaping the individual and
the world.
- Harmony - The pursuit of harmony and balance in all areas of life, including relationships,
work, and the environment.
- Ethics - The practice of ethical principles, such as honesty, kindness, and compassion, as
a path to spiritual growth and development.
- Healing - The belief in the power of the mind and spirit to heal the body and the use of
various techniques, such as visualization and affirmations, to support the healing
- Symbolism - The use of symbols and allegories as a means of conveying spiritual truths and
- Mystical experiences - The belief that mystical experiences, such as those achieved through
meditation or spiritual practices, can provide a deeper understanding of the nature of reality
and the self.
- Evolution - The belief in the evolution of the universe and all living beings, including
humans, and the role of consciousness in shaping this evolution.
- Inner world - The focus on the inner world of the mind and spirit as the source of personal
power and transformation.
- Astral travel - The belief in the ability to travel beyond the physical body through the
use of astral projection or other mystical practices.
- Reality creation - The belief that reality is created through thought and that one can
shape their own reality through the power of their thoughts and beliefs.
- Oneness - The understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and the belief in the
fundamental unity of the universe.
- The divine spark - The belief that each person has a divine spark within them that can be
awakened and developed through spiritual practice.
- Cosmic order - The belief in the existence of a cosmic order that governs the universe and
the importance of aligning oneself with this order to achieve greater harmony and fulfillment
in life.
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by Supreme
This little manuscript contains the ancient secrets of the
Rosicrucians and Society of Rose Cross Orders. The path to awaken your greater powers is
explained herein. A history of the order and some of their greatest teachings and exercises are
included. For the first time, a seeker can truly study the metaphysical strategies which can
rapidly advance the reader to the next level of happiness, awareness, success, and health.
Founded in 1764, the Secret Lodge of Perfection preceded the Illuminati in what would later
become the United States. Today, the wisdom has been passed on and now revealed to the seeker
for the 1st time.
For: The Golden Temple of the Rosy Cross
& Templiers et Rose Croix d'Orient
Mystical Christian, Hermetic,
Hellenistic, Buddhist, Brahmin, & Taoist Wisdom
By: Magus
“Before the Illuminati & Before the
Skull and Bones”
Rosicrucian Manifestos
The Rosicrucian manifestos caused immense
excitement throughout Europe: they declared the existence of a secret brotherhood of alchemists and sages who were
preparing to transform the arts, sciences, religion, and political and intellectual landscape of Europe while wars
of politics and religion ravaged the continent. The works were re-issued several times and followed by numerous
pamphlets, favourable and otherwise. Between 1614 and 1620, about 400 manuscripts and books were published which
discussed the Rosicrucian documents.
The peak of the so-called "Rosicrucianism furor" was reached when two mysterious
posters appeared in the walls of Paris in 1622 within a few days of each other. The first one started with the
saying "We, the Deputies of the Higher College of the Rose-Croix, do make
our stay, visibly and invisibly, in this city (...)" and the second one
ended with the words "The thoughts attached to the real desire of the
seeker will lead us to him and him to us".[7]
The legend inspired a variety of works, among them the works of
Maier (1568–1622) of Germany, Robert
Fludd (1574–1637) and Elias
Ashmole (1617–1692) of England, Teophilus Schweighardt
Constantiens, Gotthardus Arthusius, Julius Sperber, Henricus
Madathanus, Gabriel
Naudé, Thomas
Vaughan, and others.[8] In Elias Ashmole's
Theatrum Chimicum britannicum (1650) he defends the Rosicrucians. Some later works with an impact on Rosicrucianism
were the Opus magocabalisticum et theosophicum by George von
Welling (1719), of alchemical and paracelsian inspiration, and the
Aureum Vellus oder Goldenes Vliess by Hermann Fictuld in 1749.
Michael Maier was ennobled with the title Pfalzgraf (Count Palatine) by Rudolph
II, Emperor and King of Hungary and King of Bohemia. He also was one of the most prominent defenders of the Rosicrucians, clearly transmitting
details about the "Brothers of the Rose Cross" in his writings. Maier made the firm statement that the Brothers
of R.C. exist to advance inspired arts and sciences, including alchemy. Researchers of Maier's writings point out that he never claimed to have produced gold, nor
did Heinrich Khunrath nor any of the other Rosicrucianists. Their writings point toward a symbolic and spiritual
alchemy, rather than an operative one. In both direct and veiled styles, these writings conveyed the nine stages
of the involutive-evolutive transmutation of the threefold
body of the human being, the threefold soul and the threefold spirit, among other esoteric
knowledge related to the "Path of Initiation".
In his 1618 pamphlet, Pia et Utilissima
Admonitio de Fratribus Rosae Crucis, Henrichus Neuhusius writes that the
ns left for the East due to the instability in Europe caused by the start of the Thirty Years'
War, an idea afterwards echoed in 1710 by Samuel Ritcher, founder of the secret
society of the
Golden and Rosy Cross. More recently René
Guénon, a researcher of the occult, presented this same idea in some of his works.[9] However, another eminent author on the
Rosicrucians, Arthur Edward
Waite, presents arguments that contradict this idea.[10] It was in this fertile field of
discourse that many "Rosicrucian" societies arose. They were based on the occult tradition and inspired by the
mystery of this "College of Invisibles".