Rosicrucian Society ™


Rosicrucian History

Chronological list of groups formed for the study of Rose Croix Philosophy or Rosicrucianism and allied subjects

Many of these groups generally speak of a lineal descent from earlier branches of the ancient Rosicrucian Order in England, France, Egypt, or other countries. However, some groups speak of a spiritual affiliation with a true and invisible Rosicrucian Order. Note there are other Rosicrucian groups not listed here. Some do not use the name "Rosicrucian" to name themselves. Some groups listed may have been dissolved and no longer operating.

  • Loge de Parfaits - Rose Croix Degree America, 1764 in New Orleans, France/Spain and later USA. 1763  - Charter Patent issued from European Bodies
  • Fraternitas Rosae Crucis, 1861
  • Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA). 1860-1865
  • Societa Italiana del Tiro al Bersaglio 1863- 2009 
  • Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (SRICF)1879
  • Cabalistic Order of the Rosicrucian (Kabbalistique de la Rose Croix), 1888
  • Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, 1888
  • Societas Rosicruciana in America (SRIA), 1889
  • Order of the Temple & the Graal and of the Catholic Order of the Rose-Croix (l'Ordre de la Rose Croix Catholique et Esthetique, du Temple et du Graal) (CRC) ('Catholic', as in 'Universal'), 1890
  • Alchemical Rose-Croix Society (Association Alchimique de France), 1896
  • Rose-Croix de l'Orient (Rose-Cross of the East) (RCO) ?
  • The Elder Brothers of the Rose-Croix (Les Freres Aînés de la Rose-Croix) (FARC) ?
  • Antiquus Arcanus Ordo Rosæ Rubæ Aureæ Crucis (AAORRAC) ?
  • Ordo Aureæ & Rosæ Crucis (Antique Arcanæ Ordinis Rosæ Rubeæ et Aureæ Crucis)(OARC) ?
  • Rosicrucian Fellowship (Association of Christian Mystics) 1908-1911
  • Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross, 1912
  • Corona Fellowship of Rosicrucians (CFR), 1912?
  • Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, (AMORC), 1915
  • Fraternitas Rosæ Crucis (FRC), 1920
  • Rosicrucian Order Crotona Fellowship, 1924
  • Lectorium Rosicrucianum, 1924
  • Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (FRA), 1927
  • The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Inc 1962
  • Rose Cross Order / Orden Rosacruz, 1988
  • Swedish Misraim Alliance (Svenska Misraimförbundet), 1988
  • Ancient Order of the Rosicrucians, 1989
  • Confraternity of the Rose Cross, 1996
  • The Sophia Guild, 2000
  • Sodalitas Rosae Crucis (S.R.C.) et Solis Alati (S.S.A.), 2002/3
  • Order of the Hermetic Gold and Rose+Cross, 2002
  • Knights of the Militia Crucifera Evangelica, 2002
  • Oriental Rosicrucian Order, 2002
  • Ancient Rosae Crucis (ARC), ?
  • ConFraternity Rosae + Crucis (CR+C) ?

The history of the Rosicrucians is shrouded in mystery, and much of what is known about the organization is based on legends and speculations. The exact origin of the Rosicrucians is unknown, but it is believed that the order was founded in Germany in the early 17th century. The name "Rosicrucian" is derived from the Latin "rosa crucis," which means "rose cross."

According to legends, the founder of the Rosicrucian order was a man named Christian Rosenkreuz, who was said to have studied in the Middle East and brought back knowledge of secret wisdom and esoteric teachings. He is said to have founded the order in the early 1400s, but this is not supported by historical evidence.

In the early 17th century, a series of anonymous manifestos were published in Germany, promoting the ideals and beliefs of the Rosicrucians. These manifestos, known as the "Rosicrucian manifestos," claimed that the order was a secret society of enlightened individuals who sought to improve the world through their knowledge and wisdom. The manifestos also claimed that the members of the order possessed magical powers and could cure illnesses and perform other miracles.

The Rosicrucian manifestos sparked a great deal of interest and speculation, and many people sought to join the order or learn more about its teachings. However, the secrecy of the organization and the lack of concrete information about its activities led many people to believe that the Rosicrucians were a hoax or a secret society of charlatans.

In the late 17th and early 18th centuries, a number of organizations claiming to be affiliated with the Rosicrucians emerged in Europe, and these organizations were often involved in the occult and esoteric movements of the time. However, the true nature and beliefs of these organizations are unclear, and it is not certain if they had any connection to the original Rosicrucian order.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, a number of esoteric and spiritual organizations emerged that claimed to be connected to the Rosicrucians. Some of these organizations were based on the teachings of spiritual leaders such as H.P. Blavatsky, who founded the Theosophical Society, and Rudolf Steiner, who founded the Anthroposophical Society.

Today, the Rosicrucian order continues to exist and is associated with esoteric and spiritual teachings. The organization is organized into different branches, and each branch has its own beliefs, teachings, and practices. The Rosicrucians believe in the power of spiritual knowledge and wisdom to bring about positive change in the world, and they seek to promote understanding and peace through their teachings and practices.

In conclusion, the history of the Rosicrucians is a complex and mysterious one, and much of what is known about the organization is based on legends and speculations. Despite the lack of concrete information, the Rosicrucians continue to be associated with esoteric and spiritual teachings, and they continue to have a significant impact on the spiritual and mystical movements of the world.




