Rosicrucian Society Order - Societas Rosicruciana - Rosy Cross Brotherhood



9 Secret Principles and Grades and Degrees of the Celtic Rose Croix Master  - Revised and Copyrighted 2007 United States and International Treaties



The Noble Grades or Virtues are the spiritual and ethical code gleaned from various sources including the Poetic Edda (particularly the Hávamál), the Nordic Sagas, & Warrior Code along with Hermetic Roman and Greek Spiritual Teachings. These degrees and virtues are included because the vast immigration into New Orleans in the 1700’s included the Celtic and Central European Peoples. These are in theory “Pre-Christian” codes that existed before and during the Roman occupation of Europe. These are the values, hopes, and character building concepts from before Christ and Cesar. These lessons are very important as part of the influence upon European and American Mystery Teachings. 


1.      Grade #1 – Apprentice - The Lesson for this degree is: Strength is better than weakness.    


2.      Grade #2 – Illustrious Warrior - The Lesson for this degree is: Perseverance and Courage is better than cowardice.


3.      Grade #3 – Master of the Legion - The Lesson for this degree is:  Discipline  and Joy are  better than guilt.  Sooner or later, we must learn when to work and when to enjoy life in its purest form.  


4.      Grade #4 – Noble Chief of the Lodge - The Lesson for this degree is: Honor which is better than dishonor.


5.      Grade #5 – Lord of the Order - The Lesson for this degree is: Self Reliance & Freedom is better than ignorance.


6.      Grade #6 – Prince and Knight of the Rose Croix- The Lesson for this degree is: Hospitality and Kinship is better than alienation.


7.      Grade #7 - Master Architect - The Lesson for this degree is: Truth and Realism is better than dogmatism.  


8.      Grade #8 - Adept of the Rosy Cross - The Lesson for this degree is:  Industriousness and Vigor is better than lifelessness.


9.      Grade #9 Magus of the Rose Croix – The Lesson for this degree is: Fidelity is better than universalism.


*The above styled higher degrees were common in Europe and Nouvelle -Orléans over the last 250 years. Many of the Orleans degrees are extinct as of today and have not been conferred for many years. As a point of reference, The earliest recorded Central European German immigrants to Louisiana arrived in 1722 and were quite fond of clubs and societies.   These included the popular United Ancient Order of the Druids. The first grove of Druids in the area, the Magnolia Hain (Magnolia Grove) was founded in 1836. Present-day visitors to the Odd Fellows Cemetery at the intersection of Canal Street and Metairie Road can see the tombs of the Germania Lodge Number 29 and of the Teutonia Lodge Number 10 with its inscription, "Freundschaft, Liebe, und Wahrheit" ("Friendship, Love, and Truth"). 





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