Be so impressed with the value of a man that you treat even a
beggar or the tramp with the most distinguished consideration.
All is God. Every man and woman is perfect. Let your manner be
that of a god addressing other gods. Do not save all your
consideration for the poor; the millionaire is as good as the
tramp. This is a perfectly good world, and there is not a
person or thing in it but is exactly right; be sure that you
keep this in mind in dealing with things and men.
Form your mental vision of yourself with care. Make the
thought-form of yourself as you wish to be, and hold this with
the faith that it is being realized, and with the purpose to
realize it completely. Do every common act as a god should do
it; speak every word as a god should speak it; meet men and
women of both low and high estate as a god meets other divine
beings. Begin thus and continue thus, and your unfolding in
ability and power will be great and rapid.